online learning

Offriamo la nostra esperienza nello sviluppo dei tuoi progetti e-learning!

Creiamo piattaforme di apprendimento coinvolgenti, intuitive e accessibili, e che mettono a disposizione risultati tangibili e misurabili.

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Sviluppiamo soluzioni di apprendimento innovative e digitali per imprese e organizzazioni educative. 

Offriamo una serie completa di servizi e-learning per soddisfare i vostri bisogni. 

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I nostri casi studio

Cumbria Woodlands

Una piattaforma Open edX® per interagire con partecipanti del settore forestale attraverso la formazione online con contenuti di alta qualità.

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International Energy Agency

Una piattaforma Open edX® per migliorare e rendere più efficiente il consumo di energia.

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12 nuovi MOOCs offerti attraverso un progetto del Politecnico di Torino sviluppato in ambiente Open edX®.

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Una piattaforma Open edX® personalizzata, moderna, flessibile e facile da usareper i giornalisti.

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Quali sono i tuoi obiettivi e-learning? Esplora la nostra Open edX® sandbox per provare un'esperienza di apprendimento unica.

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Open edX® platform blooms with the Redwood Release

Showcasing the new e-learning platform release Redwood with the variety of new features and functionalities for everyone involved in an online learning experience based on the Open edX platform.

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TechnoVET: Empowering Vocational Education Through Digital Transformation

TechnoVET, an Erasmus+ project, is empowering vocational education institutions across Europe to embrace digital transformation. By providing tools, training, and support, TechnoVET helps VET centers adapt to the evolving needs of a technology-driven world and create sustainable learning solutions.

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Introducing Open edX Quince

The Open edX® platform, a powerful and versatile learning management system (LMS), updated and enhanced through a structured release cycle. Quince is the 17th community release and we summarise the new features for you.

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As a leading European Open edX Verified Service Partner, we are excited to participate at the upcoming Open edX Conference in Paris from July 1st to 4th, 2025, held at Telecom Paris. 

Co-hosted by EMOOCs, this year's conference will explore the theme "Leveraging the Power of Open Source to Democratize Education and Fuel Advances in Learning." We look forward to connecting with the Open edX community and showcasing our expertise in providing innovative and impactful online learning solutions.

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