online learning

Experts at developing your individual e-learning project!

We can create learning platforms (LMS) that are engaging, intuitive and accessible, and that deliver meaningful and measurable results.

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We develop innovative and individual digital learning solutions for enterprises and educational institutions. 

We offer a full range of e-learning services to meet your needs.

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Our case studies

Cumbria Woodlands

An Open edX® platform (LMS) to engage with high-quality online training for the woodland sector.

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International Energy Agency

An Open edX® platform (LMS) to improve energy consumption.

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12 new MOOCs offered on a sub project within the Politecnico di Torino Open edX® environment (LMS)

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A custom, modern, flexible, and easy to use Open edX® platform (LMS) directed to journalists.

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What are your e-learning goals? Explore the Open edX® sandbox (LMS) to try out a unique educational experience.

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Introducing the Open edX Sandbox of Abstract Technology

Experience the Open edX LMS like never before: Introducing the Abstract Technology’s sandbox You want to have a hands-on experience of the Open edX LMS without having to set up the environment from scratch? Then try out Abstract Technology's Open edX sandbox!

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How to compare different LMSs?

This guide will help you decide which learning management system (LMS) you should use for your needs. At Abstract Technology, we are specialized in LMS consultation and advice. Here we offer a brief guide, a checklist and a comparison of Docebo and the Open edX platform.

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Introducing Open edX Quince

The Open edX® platform, a powerful and versatile learning management system (LMS), updated and enhanced through a structured release cycle. Quince is the 17th community release and we summarise the new features for you.

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Breaking Boundaries, Building Bridges: accessible, effective, and relevant online learning! 

We’re thrilled to be back from the 2024 Open edX Conference in South Africa and eager to share our Key Takeaways!

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