​The Open edX® platform In-Video-Quiz

Increase the effectiveness of video components in your Open edX® platform by integrating questions during a video.

With the in-video-quiz XBlock you can not only increase the probability of active viewing but also the engagement as well as the resulting learning success of each learner.

How do In-Video Quizzes work?

In-video-quizzes allow you to embed each problem type available in Open edX® platform seamlessly into a video at any point. Course authors can easily add custom questions via the authoring tool Open edX® studio.

Benefits of implementing the In-Video Quiz XBlock in Open edX® platform

The implementation of the in-video quiz XBlock may have many advantages:

  • Increasing engagement
  • Improving the learning experience
  • Enhancing the learning success and the performance
  • Extending the attention span in long videos
  • Fostering the comprehension of the new learned information
  • Measuring learner performance as well as interest and understanding
  • Key features

  • Streamlined creation workflow for authors
  • User-friendly navigation for learners
  • Unlimited number of questions per video
  • Unrestricted choice of Open edX® problem types
  • Only applicable with the Open edX® platform
  • Analytics

​You want to learn how to set up the in-video-quiz XBlock in your Open edX® platform request our 
