Open edX® platform blooms with the Redwood Release
Showcasing the new e-learning platform release Redwood with the variety of new features and functionalities for everyone involved in an online learning experience based on the Open edX platform.
TechnoVET: Empowering Vocational Education Through Digital Transformation
TechnoVET, an Erasmus+ project, is empowering vocational education institutions across Europe to embrace digital transformation. By providing tools, training, and support, TechnoVET helps VET centers adapt to the evolving needs of a technology-driven world and create sustainable learning solutions.
The Open edX® platform, a powerful and versatile learning management system (LMS), updated and enhanced through a structured release cycle. Quince is the 17th community release and we summarise the new features for you.
We will be exhibiting at the OEB Global Conference in Berlin, November 27-29, 2024.
As a trusted service partner of the Open edX® project, we showcase the power and flexibility of the platform while connecting with industry peers and exploring the future of digital learning.